First You need to have the skill table to know the hex of the skill. Now your RO Client is oleady at DS spam ( if you use DS to a monster click 1 time it will do 10 times. Then sleep(0) make sure it's 0 so it wont required any delay 4. Bro can you tell me how to hack shini game facebook beauty game vitality, using wpe pro. Ragnarok Online - Easy Macro for Dummies - Ultimate Macro 2016 OUTDATED. Macro Skill Delay ( in millisecond, 1000 millisecond = 1 second ). Ragnarok Online Search Engine w/ unique features ( RO database right on your computer ) - 2016. Ragindex v.0.3.1 by: Recca Hi RO players!
First You need to have the skill table to know the hex of the skill. Skill table download >> > > Open Process. Choose Your Ragnarok Client then Inject 4. Then Choose Extras > Filter > Custom Filter.Then it will run a Pop Up ( Custom Filter table ) 5.
At Custom filter window choose File > Load > Choose the DS filter that you downloaded then see the code first look at (pos('002E00',CurHex) 002E00 is the hex of Double Strafe then for i:= 0 to 70 do, Its mean how much packet do you send. I think 0 to 300 is the best.But you choose the decision. Then sleep(0) just make this to 0 6. Press Build.Then at rPE window click the Active Custom Filter button. Now your RO Client is oleady at DS spam ( if you use DS to a monster click 1 time it will do 10 times DS so just use the DS 1 times dont do more Or You Will be DC from server coz to much packet sended) ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* Now it's How to make an rPE filter. Back to (pos('002E00',CurHex) We Know oleady that this is the hex of DS right?? If you want to make a new filter do this Step by Step 1.
Open the skill table then choose the skill ( ex: you want to make fire Bolt filter: 19 MG_FIREBOLT Fire Bolt. First take the 19 code then open rPE. Put the 19 in the dez then see The Hex will be changed to 13 right?? Then the Hex of Fire Bolt is 001300 ( if the hex is 2 alphanumerics just put 2 zero before and after it ex: 3A = 003A00 ) If it's 3 Alphanumerics ex 170 will be 007001 or 171 will be 007101 2. Choose Extras > Filter > Custom Filter.
Then open the DS spamming Filter the see (pos('002E00',CurHex) change to (pos('001300',CurHex) Then change the 'for i:= 0 to 70 do' change to 'for i:= 0 to 300 do' Then sleep(0) make sure it's 0 so it wont required any delay 4. Docuworks 8 keygen crack autocad. Choose File > Save.Save As Fire Bolt.rPE ( you dont need to type the '.rPE' coz it's only the extension so the file name is 'Fire Bolt' ) 5.
Tetapi bagaimana ya bentuk payudara abg smp dan sma? Informasi Kesehatan Perempuan Terbaru. Awal pubertas pada perempuan terjadi umumnya pada rentang usia 8 – 13 tahun dan tanda awal pubertas pada anak perempuan adalah perubahan bentuk payudara.
Then do again like how to inject to RO then custom filter and load then load the filter you have made then build and active custom filter then use Fire Bolt and it's will be working. If you want to make another filter just do the step by step again.
Job Base: Lord Knight Job Type: 2-1 Transcendent Job Job Change: Job Levels: 70 Job Bonuses: STR AGI VIT INT DEX LUK +15 +8 +8 +2 +9 +3 'To protect the weak.' There are times when strength and honor simply aren't enough.
First You need to have the skill table to know the hex of the skill. Now your RO Client is oleady at DS spam ( if you use DS to a monster click 1 time it will do 10 times. Then sleep(0) make sure it's 0 so it wont required any delay 4. Bro can you tell me how to hack shini game facebook beauty game vitality, using wpe pro. Ragnarok Online - Easy Macro for Dummies - Ultimate Macro 2016 OUTDATED. Macro Skill Delay ( in millisecond, 1000 millisecond = 1 second ). Ragnarok Online Search Engine w/ unique features ( RO database right on your computer ) - 2016. Ragindex v.0.3.1 by: Recca Hi RO players!
First You need to have the skill table to know the hex of the skill. Skill table download >> > > Open Process. Choose Your Ragnarok Client then Inject 4. Then Choose Extras > Filter > Custom Filter.Then it will run a Pop Up ( Custom Filter table ) 5.
At Custom filter window choose File > Load > Choose the DS filter that you downloaded then see the code first look at (pos('002E00',CurHex) 002E00 is the hex of Double Strafe then for i:= 0 to 70 do, Its mean how much packet do you send. I think 0 to 300 is the best.But you choose the decision. Then sleep(0) just make this to 0 6. Press Build.Then at rPE window click the Active Custom Filter button. Now your RO Client is oleady at DS spam ( if you use DS to a monster click 1 time it will do 10 times DS so just use the DS 1 times dont do more Or You Will be DC from server coz to much packet sended) ******************************************************************* ******************************************************************* Now it's How to make an rPE filter. Back to (pos('002E00',CurHex) We Know oleady that this is the hex of DS right?? If you want to make a new filter do this Step by Step 1.
Open the skill table then choose the skill ( ex: you want to make fire Bolt filter: 19 MG_FIREBOLT Fire Bolt. First take the 19 code then open rPE. Put the 19 in the dez then see The Hex will be changed to 13 right?? Then the Hex of Fire Bolt is 001300 ( if the hex is 2 alphanumerics just put 2 zero before and after it ex: 3A = 003A00 ) If it's 3 Alphanumerics ex 170 will be 007001 or 171 will be 007101 2. Choose Extras > Filter > Custom Filter.
Then open the DS spamming Filter the see (pos('002E00',CurHex) change to (pos('001300',CurHex) Then change the 'for i:= 0 to 70 do' change to 'for i:= 0 to 300 do' Then sleep(0) make sure it's 0 so it wont required any delay 4. Docuworks 8 keygen crack autocad. Choose File > Save.Save As Fire Bolt.rPE ( you dont need to type the '.rPE' coz it's only the extension so the file name is 'Fire Bolt' ) 5.
Tetapi bagaimana ya bentuk payudara abg smp dan sma? Informasi Kesehatan Perempuan Terbaru. Awal pubertas pada perempuan terjadi umumnya pada rentang usia 8 – 13 tahun dan tanda awal pubertas pada anak perempuan adalah perubahan bentuk payudara.
Then do again like how to inject to RO then custom filter and load then load the filter you have made then build and active custom filter then use Fire Bolt and it's will be working. If you want to make another filter just do the step by step again.
Job Base: Lord Knight Job Type: 2-1 Transcendent Job Job Change: Job Levels: 70 Job Bonuses: STR AGI VIT INT DEX LUK +15 +8 +8 +2 +9 +3 'To protect the weak.' There are times when strength and honor simply aren't enough.