Samuel Murray's page of AutoIt scripts. This page contains a selection of my scripts (programs), most of which are written in AutoIt scripting language. And then having the image URL so that you can mention the image URL in the bug report. Aplikasi karaoke dzone buat mac. PDF Bulk Commenter-- Imagine you have to write the same comment to the same piece of.
The ability to capture an image of an entire web page in AutoIt has been a long time coming. And without having to display the web page in the process. Ward - Nicely done. On my xp, your WebCaptureTest() and ElementCaptureTest() functions return the same full web page image.
With this slightly modified example of the ElementCaptureTest() function only, I manage to capture some elements of a web page using the _IETableGetCollection() function (from the help file). _IEImgGetCollection() also works. When the element index is exceeded making the requested element non-existent, then the full web page image is returned.
Hey, trancexx. Since you are a developer now, maybe you can do something!! Yes, that's true. The pointer that you mention is get by calling QueryInterface or some flat API function (that returns object pointer).
But still, if object is not InterfaceDispach then you can't use QueryInterface since IUnknown methods are unavailable through dispatch access. COM object is always stored as pointer and accessed through that pointer, meaning that pointer representation of object should in fact be object pointer.
Definition of Ptr() is Converts an exp ression into a pointer variant. Screensaver files. Currently Ptr() returns null pointer for all objects. I have qualified that as a bug and fixed it accordingly.
New beta will have Ptr() returning object pointer for object input. This also means that ObjCreateInterface() will be able to accept objects as first parameter.
Hello, I am attempting to save pdf files from a work website. I know inetget allows to save a specific file from a website, but is it possible to specify a file 'type' instead of the specific file name? In other words,; Advanced example - downloading in the background Local $hDownload = InetGet('@TempDir & ' *.pdf', 1, 1) Do Sleep(250) Until InetGetInfo($hDownload, 2); Check if the download is complete. Local $nBytes = InetGetInfo($hDownload, 0) InetClose($hDownload); Close the handle to release resourcs.
MsgBox(0, ', 'Bytes read: ' & $nBytes) Is something like this possible? Please let me know, Thank you Gurus! I've built such a script myself recently to accommodate this same task. Lemme look for it. Edit: Here's the script. You'll have to tailor it to your needs, but this should put you in the right direction with a running start. Edit: I also must mention that I arbitrarily did a StringRight to trim the file names, but this only worked because all the files had the same length of chars.
You'll have to decide how to name the saved files. $oIE = ( '' ) $oLinks = ( $oIE ) ( 0, 'Failed To Navigate to Webpage', ' ) $savedir = ( 'Save PDFs To', ', 5, ) $savedir $oLink $oLinks ( $oLink. Href, '.pdf' ) ( ( $oLink.
Href, $savedir & ' ' & ( $oLink. Href, 11 ) ) & ) ( 0, 'Done', ' ) Edited December 15, 2010 by spudw2k. Thank you spudw2k! I modified your script slightly if it may be of help for some other users. Thank you again. Expand collapse popup $url = ( 'URL to download from?'
, ', '' ) $linktype = ( 'Links to download?' , 'What type of links?' , '.PDF' ) ( 'Navigating to URL', 'Finding Links' ) $oIE = ( $url, 0, 0 ) ( 0, 'Failed To Navigate to Webpage', ' ) $oLinks = ( $oIE ) $arrLinks [ 1 ] $arrIdx = 0 $oLink $oLinks ( $oLink. Href, $linktype ) $arrLinks [ ( $arrLinks ) + 1 ] $arrIdx += 1 $arrLinks [ $arrIdx ] = $oLink. Href $arrLinks [ 0 ] = ( $arrLinks ) ( $oIE ) ( ) ( $arrLinks ).
Samuel Murray's page of AutoIt scripts. This page contains a selection of my scripts (programs), most of which are written in AutoIt scripting language. And then having the image URL so that you can mention the image URL in the bug report. Aplikasi karaoke dzone buat mac. PDF Bulk Commenter-- Imagine you have to write the same comment to the same piece of.
The ability to capture an image of an entire web page in AutoIt has been a long time coming. And without having to display the web page in the process. Ward - Nicely done. On my xp, your WebCaptureTest() and ElementCaptureTest() functions return the same full web page image.
With this slightly modified example of the ElementCaptureTest() function only, I manage to capture some elements of a web page using the _IETableGetCollection() function (from the help file). _IEImgGetCollection() also works. When the element index is exceeded making the requested element non-existent, then the full web page image is returned.
Hey, trancexx. Since you are a developer now, maybe you can do something!! Yes, that's true. The pointer that you mention is get by calling QueryInterface or some flat API function (that returns object pointer).
But still, if object is not InterfaceDispach then you can't use QueryInterface since IUnknown methods are unavailable through dispatch access. COM object is always stored as pointer and accessed through that pointer, meaning that pointer representation of object should in fact be object pointer.
Definition of Ptr() is Converts an exp ression into a pointer variant. Screensaver files. Currently Ptr() returns null pointer for all objects. I have qualified that as a bug and fixed it accordingly.
New beta will have Ptr() returning object pointer for object input. This also means that ObjCreateInterface() will be able to accept objects as first parameter.
Hello, I am attempting to save pdf files from a work website. I know inetget allows to save a specific file from a website, but is it possible to specify a file 'type' instead of the specific file name? In other words,; Advanced example - downloading in the background Local $hDownload = InetGet('@TempDir & ' *.pdf', 1, 1) Do Sleep(250) Until InetGetInfo($hDownload, 2); Check if the download is complete. Local $nBytes = InetGetInfo($hDownload, 0) InetClose($hDownload); Close the handle to release resourcs.
MsgBox(0, ', 'Bytes read: ' & $nBytes) Is something like this possible? Please let me know, Thank you Gurus! I've built such a script myself recently to accommodate this same task. Lemme look for it. Edit: Here's the script. You'll have to tailor it to your needs, but this should put you in the right direction with a running start. Edit: I also must mention that I arbitrarily did a StringRight to trim the file names, but this only worked because all the files had the same length of chars.
You'll have to decide how to name the saved files. $oIE = ( '' ) $oLinks = ( $oIE ) ( 0, 'Failed To Navigate to Webpage', ' ) $savedir = ( 'Save PDFs To', ', 5, ) $savedir $oLink $oLinks ( $oLink. Href, '.pdf' ) ( ( $oLink.
Href, $savedir & ' ' & ( $oLink. Href, 11 ) ) & ) ( 0, 'Done', ' ) Edited December 15, 2010 by spudw2k. Thank you spudw2k! I modified your script slightly if it may be of help for some other users. Thank you again. Expand collapse popup $url = ( 'URL to download from?'
, ', '' ) $linktype = ( 'Links to download?' , 'What type of links?' , '.PDF' ) ( 'Navigating to URL', 'Finding Links' ) $oIE = ( $url, 0, 0 ) ( 0, 'Failed To Navigate to Webpage', ' ) $oLinks = ( $oIE ) $arrLinks [ 1 ] $arrIdx = 0 $oLink $oLinks ( $oLink. Href, $linktype ) $arrLinks [ ( $arrLinks ) + 1 ] $arrIdx += 1 $arrLinks [ $arrIdx ] = $oLink. Href $arrLinks [ 0 ] = ( $arrLinks ) ( $oIE ) ( ) ( $arrLinks ).